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Libero Libero
Version 2.32

Configuring and Testing Libero

When you have installed Libero, run the lr command without arguments. This should show a page of help.

Try this from the installation directory, then from a different directory. If Libero cannot find its message file, you'll get an error like this:

LIBERO v2.32 (c) 1991-97 iMatix 
Options file 'lr.ini' not found.
Cannot find message file lrmesg on 'PATH' path.

Type 'path' if you're working on MS-DOS, 'echo $PATH' if you're on UNIX, or 'show log path' if you're on VMS. Check that the installation directory is on the path.

Next, type the command 'lr -settings' to see what settings Libero is using:

C:\CTOOLS\LIBERO>lr -settings
LIBERO v2.32 (c) 1991-97 iMatix 
  Option settings for command:
    animate  . . .: No
    author . . . .: Your Name
    check  . . . .: Yes
    compress . . .: No
    defaults . . .: defaults
    dpath  . . . .: -
    generate . . .: Yes
    help . . . . .: No
    idle . . . . .: Yes
    initial  . . .: lr.ini
    option . . . .: -
    path . . . . .: PATH
    plusd  . . . .: No
    pretty . . . .: No
    schema . . . .: lrschema.c
    settings . . .: Yes
    sort . . . . .: Yes
    source . . . .: -
    stats  . . . .: No
    stubs  . . . .: Yes
    style  . . . .: plain
    trace  . . . .: No

You can change any of these default option settings by editing the lr.ini file, or by placing the settings you want in your dialog file.

| << | < | > | >>
| Installing Libero | What You Will Need | Installing Libero for UNIX | Installing the MS Windows Kit | Installing the MS-DOS Kit | Installing the 32-bit MS-DOS Kit | Installing the OS/2 Kit | Installing the VAX/VMS Kit | Installing the Examples | Configuring and Testing Libero
Copyright © 1996-97 iMatix