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Libero Libero
Version 2.32

Compiled-In Limitations

A number of more-or-less arbitrary limits are defined in the header file lrpriv.h. If you need to, you can increase these, then recompile all Libero programs (and if you are smart, drop me a line explaining your reasons):

The header file prelude.h also defines a constant LINE_MAX, with the value 255, which is used to allocate buffers for input and full filenames (ie. including path). You should not write dialogs wider than a normal page (ie. 80 columns).

Libero allocates memory dynamically to store its dialog definition, so the maximum size of a dialog actually depends on available memory. You should only change the constants in lrpriv.h if you get a message that specifically says that you have reached such a limit.

The code that the standard C schema generates assumes that events can be stored in a signed 16-bit word; while state, module, and action numbers can be stored in an unsigned 16-bit word. A more compact version could be made by using 8-bit values.

If you change Libero, or suspect bugs, compile with the symbol DEBUG defined. This switches on the assertions that are sprinkled through the code. The executable will be a little larger, but if a bug corrupts Libero's internal data structures, you will (usually) get a nice message instead of an unpredictable crash.

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| Libero Technical Reference | Read-Only Variables | Schema Commands | Syntax Of Expressions | Syntax Of Logical Conditions | Control Variables | Standard :do Conditions | Extra Variables In A :do Loop | General Rules for Code Generation | Generating Module Stubs | Generating COBOL Code | The State Machine Algorithm | Compiled-In Limitations | Quick Reference - Libero Schema Language
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