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Libero Libero
Version 2.32

Read-Only Variables

You can use these read-only variables anywhere in a schema:

The value of the -author option.
The current date in a shortened form: 'yy/mm/dd'. Libero always uses this date format for short dates.
The current time in a shortened form: 'hh:mm'.
The current date in a long form: 'dd Mmm, yyyy'. The month is abbreviated to 3 letters, in English.
The current time including seconds: 'hh:mm:ss'.
The number of lines output so far, including the current line. This starts at 1.
The name of the dialog file being processed, without extension.
The name of the schema being read. This is the value of the -schema option.
The name of the source file for dialog, without an extension. This name is derived as follows: normally, it is the same as the dialog file name. If -plusd was specified, it is formed by adding 'D' to the dialog file name. If -source=xxx was used, this explicitly tells the source name to use.
The value of the -style option.
The number of the defaults state, or zero if none was specified.
The number of events in the dialog. This is used to dimension various tables.
The maximum action number (largest vector). This is used to dimension various tables.
The number of modules in the dialog. This is used to dimension various tables.
The number of states in the dialog. This is used to dimension various tables.
The number of action vectors in the dialog.
The current Libero version number as 4 characters: 'n.nn'; e.g. '2.32'.

Additionally, you can use $comma, $name, $number, $offset, $tally, $row, and $overflow within a :do block. These variables are explained later. You cannot define a variable with the name of a standard Libero variable.

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| Libero Technical Reference | Read-Only Variables | Schema Commands | Syntax Of Expressions | Syntax Of Logical Conditions | Control Variables | Standard :do Conditions | Extra Variables In A :do Loop | General Rules for Code Generation | Generating Module Stubs | Generating COBOL Code | The State Machine Algorithm | Compiled-In Limitations | Quick Reference - Libero Schema Language
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