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Libero Libero
Version 2.32

Libero Options

Like most command-line programs, lr accepts various options. These control things such as the language that Libero generates, the filenames it uses, etc.

You can supply an option in various ways:

It sometimes gets a little complex to remember which option is active, especially if you put the same option in various places. For instance you could put '-nocheck' in lr.ini, then run the lr command with the ' check' option. Which takes precedence? The answer is: it works like it should. This is a somewhat arrogant statement, so I'll explain:

If you are unsure of the options in effect for your dialog, run lr with the -settings option. This displays the current options. You can specify a Libero option in various forms:

Normal usage.
Option takes value.
Also okay.
Don't convert value to lowercase.
The same as above.
switch off true/false option.
The same as above.

You can abbreviate an option name to 3 or more characters. Option values are converted to lower-case unless you place them in single or double quotes. Some options take values; others are true/false options. These is a summary of the options that lr accepts:

Option            Explanation                        Default

-animate          include animation code             -noanimate
-author=name      include animation code             ="My Name"
-check            generate full runtime checks       -check
-compress         compress generated tables          -compress
-defaults=state   name of defaults state             =defaults
-dpath=variable   path for dialog and ini files      ="PATH"
-generate         generate output code               -generate
-help             show this information              -nohelp
-idle             indicate idle modules              -noidle
-initial=file     read options from file             =lr.ini
-option=list      define generation options          none
-path=variable    path variable for schema files     ="PATH"
-plusd            enforce 'source+D' naming rule     -noplusd
-pretty           pretty-print dialog file           -nopretty
-schema=file      schema for code generation         =lrschema.c
-settings         show option settings per file      -nosettings
-sort             add module stubs alphabetically    -sort
-source=file      program for dialog                 name of dialog
-stats            show dialog statistics             -nostubs
-stubs            generate stubs for new modules     -stubs
-style=plain      naming style: some_module_name     -style=plain
-style=caps       naming style: SomeModuleName
-style=headline   naming style: Some_Module_Name
-style=title      naming style: Some_module_name
-style=normal     naming style: Some-Module-Name
-style=cobol      naming style: SOME-MODULE-NAME
-trace            trace code generation to list file

And now in detail:

| << | < | > | >>
| Using Libero | The Dialog File Syntax | Libero Options | Using Exceptions | Using The Defaults State | Using Sub-Dialogs | Using Super-States | Using Templates | Using Get-External-Event | Efficiency | Care and Feeding of Dialogs | When To Use Libero
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