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Libero Libero
Version 2.32

Care and Feeding of Dialogs

Style - Good, Bad, and Ugly

Some of the worst dialogs that I have seen were written by people who were trying to make their dialogs 'efficient'. It is not easy to write elegant and readable dialogs; it is a little like making pancakes: give the first one to the dog. I have some advice: ask a colleague to read the dialog and explain how the program works. If your colleague cannot understand something, rewrite it.

The following extracts are from real-life dialogs that went wrong. I changed names and did some surgery to protect the guilty, and myself from prosecution. All I can say in defence of the authors was that these were early works, and that they had too little training.

Example 1: the author tries to reduce the number of states by looping back to the same state several times. Then he (I know the lad, so I can safely use the pronoun) compounds the sin by using event names that are specific to the state:

    (--) Valori-Not-Ok              -> Valorisation
          + Update-Valorisation
          + Get-Next-Valorisation
    (--) Valori-Ok                  -> Valorisation
          + Process-Valorisation
          + Get-Next-Valorisation
    (--) Ok                         -> Valorisation
          + Test-Valorisation
    (--) No-Valori                  -> Valorisation
          + Get-Next-Valorisation
    (--) No-More                    -> Transfer
          + Get-First-Transfer

    (--) Transf-Not-Ok              -> Transfer
          + Update-Transfer
          + Get-Next-Transfer
    (--) Transf-Ok                  -> Transfer
          + Process-Transfer
          + Get-Next-Transfer
    (--) Ok                         -> Transfer
          + Test-Transfer
    (--) No-Transf                  -> Transfer
          + Get-Next-Transfer
    (--) No-More                    ->
          + Close-Data-Files
          + Terminate-The-Program

This is the advice I gave:

Example 2: the author is struggling with a complex batch process. At this stage he has to do a whole series of actions, with one small difference depending on the contents of a key field:

    (--) Key-Empty                  -> Have-Order
          + Save-Current-Order-Record
          + Get-Contract-For-Order
          + Get-Company-For-Contract
          + Create-Invoice-Header
          + Update-Company
          + Save-Contract-Key
          + Call-Batch-012
          + Call-Batch-013
          + Get-Next-Order-Record
    (--) Key-Not-Empty              -> Have-Order
          + Treat-For-Current
          + Save-Current-Order-Record
          + Get-Contract-For-Order
          + Get-Company-For-Contract
          + Create-Invoice-Header
          + Update-Company
          + Save-Contract-Key
          + Call-Batch-012
          + Call-Batch-013
          + Get-Next-Order-Record

This was my advice (resisting the urge to say 'junk it!'):

Example 3: the author has used some other design method to start with, and then translated the result into a dialog. The events have names like 'Case-1', 'Case-2', or 'Ok' and 'Not-Ok'. I've seen this happen often, and it never works. If the project leader is not prepared to use a dialog as a primary design method, there is no benefit in trying to translate another design into a dialog. You must in such cases rewrite the dialog cleanly. A dialog is primarily for a readership, and secondarily for the computer. Ignore this at your peril: you will produce large, incomprehensible dialogs that are error-prone and fragile.

This is an approach that is so common, and so wrong, that the warning bears repeating: Do not try to mechanically convert existing designs into dialogs. It will not work. You will make a fool of yourself.

Often, this also applies to designs already expressed as state machines. In one of the worst cases I ever saw, the culprit had mechanically converted a set of state-machine based designs into dialogs. The states were called S1, S2, S3,... The events were called E1, E2, E3,... The modules were called M1, M2, M3,... This happened in 1986. In January 1996 I watched someone painfully maintain one of these programs, trying to understand what E4 in S3 actually meant. Okay, I warned you. Now back to the main story.

These are some more common problems:

Choosing Names

These are some guide-lines for names in a dialog:

A common beginner's mistake is to confuse events and modules, so that a state has events called 'Delete-Record', 'Print-Record', and so on. It can help to remember that event names must be as general as possible without losing meaning.

One helpful comparison is to think of events as push-buttons in a pop-up window box. Common events are 'Ok' and 'Cancel', 'Print', 'Delete', and 'Help'. A push-button like 'Delete Next Record' is too specific.

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| Using Libero | The Dialog File Syntax | Libero Options | Using Exceptions | Using The Defaults State | Using Sub-Dialogs | Using Super-States | Using Templates | Using Get-External-Event | Efficiency | Care and Feeding of Dialogs | When To Use Libero
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