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Libero Libero
Version 2.32


The GNU Borne-Again Shell Language


What Is The GNU BASH?
GNU BASH is the GNU project's UNIX shell. It replaces the (not really) standard UNIX Bourne and Korn shells.
BASH (/bin/bash) is available for all UNIX systems that I know of. BASH scripts can be ported to other UNIX shell languages: the closest is the Korn shell.
Pros and Cons
Pros: freely available and standardised. Follows the POSIX standard; has the best of all the UNIX shells in one package. Cons: not necessarily installed on your UNIX box.
How To Get It
Get it from your local GNU shoppe. BASH and the other GNU tools are part of all Linux distributions.

Working With The GNU Borne-Again Shell

Example of code

Code fragments:

#################   MODULE FUNCTION NAME   #################

function module_function_name
    return                      # Empty module needs 'return'

function private_function_name {
    raise_exception $error_event

Programming with UNIX Shells

  1. You must remember to assign events and other variables as follows: the_next_event=$some_event. If you make the common mistake of forgetting the '$', the results are interesting but not useful. The schema checks against this error, at a slight cost in runtime. You can skip these checks by using the -nocheck option. The BASH language lets you declare numeric variables explicitly, so this check is not required in the lrschema.bsh schema.
  2. Your .mod file is not copied entirely, but in sections. The script schemas extract three sections marked with the keywords <HELP> to <END>, <DATA> to <END>, and <CODE> to <END>. You will see :include commands in the schemas that do this. The final <END> is optional, and probably best to ignore.
  3. The <HELP> section is copied to the header of the script. Each line in this section should start with '#'. Some of my scripts are self-anotating: if run with '-h' as argument, they do something like this:
        expand $0 | egrep "^# |^#$" | cut -c 4-80 | more
  4. The module Initialise_the_program gets the command-line arguments; ie. it can refer to $1, $2, in the normal way.
  5. The script_name variable contains the command-line variable $0. You could put something like this in initialise_the_program:
        if test "$1" = "-h"; then
           expand $script_name | egrep "^# |^#$" |        cut -c 4-80 | more

Also note that:

  1. It is sometimes useful to start a script using the . operator. For instance, to trace a script you could use these commands:
    set -x; . scriptname
    If such a script ends with exit (and the generated ones do), you exit the current shell. If it's your main shell, you are logged-out. To avoid this, enclose the entire command in parentheses:
    (set -x; . scriptname) or run a sub-shell first.
  2. The auto-annotating function explained above won't work if you run the script using the . operator ($0 becomes the name of the shell...).
  3. These shell script schemas are somewhat slow. I optimised the code to use as many internal commands as possible in place of external commands. This cut the time spent in the dialog manager code by 60% over the first version. The bash and ksh versions are the most efficient; bsh does not have a let command, so I need to use the clumsy a = `expr 1 + 1` to increment a variable. The bash shell version is the cleanest, since I can use declare to define numeric variables. Any attempt to assign text to a numeric variable gives an explict shell error message.
  4. I use a function LR_idx to access arrays of numbers by shifting and returning a numeric value. This is the fastest method I could find, and it works in all three shell languages. As a consequence, there is a limit of 254 events (255 is the terminate_event).
  5. If you are doing heavy shell-type programming, consider using Perl.

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| Libero's Languages | The Awk Language | The C Language | The C++ Language | The COBOL Language | The GNU Borne-Again Shell Language | The Java Language | The Microsoft Setup Basic Language | The MS Visual Basic Language | The Perl Language | The Rexx Language | The UNIX C Shell Language | The UNIX Bourne Shell Language | The UNIX Korn Shell Language | The 80x86 Assembler Language
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