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Version 2.11



#include "sflproc.h"
process_alarm (long delay)


Sets a system timer to raise a SIGALRM after a specified interval in milliseconds. Returns TRUE if the timer could be created and FALSE if there were insufficient resources, or if the system does not support timers. Permits a single alarm for the current process: any alarm that was still pending when you called this function is annulled. The implementation is system- dependent and highly non-portable. Under UNIX we use the setitimer() system function, which is clean and simple. BeOS does not support this, so we use the good old alarm() function. Under 16-bit Windows we use the SetTimer() call. This does not work in 32-bit console applications. Under 32-bit Windows we use the 'multimedia' timer, which provides better resolution and does work in console applications. In both these cases we cache the id of the last-created alarm (and kill it before each new request), to avoid multiple active alarms. It is not a good idea to create too many concurrent timers; after 16 or so the alarms start to fail. This is not supposed to happen with MM timers, but does anyway. Under Windows, SIGALRM does not exist. Since signal() only accepts one of a small set of fixed signals, we hijack the SIGFPE signal... It's a compromise and requires that any code which expects a SIGALRM does not use SIGFPE. This can be tweaked in prelude.h. Under OS/2 we use the alarm() function which is accurate to one second only. The required accuracy of timing is not easily achieved, so process alarm() rounds down to whole seconds (except if rounding down would give 0, in which case it will delay 1 second). This will probably cause problems in code applications that depends on sub-second timing resolution. Under OpenVMS 7 and later we use the setitimer() function as for UNIX. Under OpenVMS 6 and earlier we use the alarm() function as for OS/2. This code may be tuned to use native VMS system calls.

Source Code - (sflproc.c)

#if ((defined (__UNIX__) && !defined (__UTYPE_BEOS)) || defined (__VMS_XOPEN))
    struct itimerval
        timeout;                        /*  Timeout for setitimer            */

    /*  If the system supports interval timers, ask for a signal             */
    timeout.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
    timeout.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
    timeout.it_value.tv_sec     = delay / 1000;
    timeout.it_value.tv_usec    = delay % 1000 * 1000L;
    setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, 0);
    return (TRUE);

#elif (defined (__OS2__) || defined (__VMS__) || defined (__UTYPE_BEOS))
    /*  Since we use alarm() for our timeout, we can only time to            */
    /*  the nearest second, and alarm(0) turns off the alarm.                */
    /*  NOTE: we also have only one timer -- if alarm() is called while      */
    /*  the alarm is active, then it will be reset to the new value, and     */
    /*  only a single SIGALRM will be generated.                             */
    delay = (delay < 1000) ? 1 : (delay / 1000);
    alarm (delay);
    return (TRUE);

#elif (defined (__WINDOWS__))
#   if (defined (WIN32))
#   pragma comment (lib, "winmm")       /*  Link-in multimedia library       */
    /*  The multimedia timer gives the best accuracy, and works in console   */
    /*  applications                                                         */
    int rc;
    if (last_timer)
        __try {
            rc = timeKillEvent (last_timer);
        __except (1) {
            coprintf ("timeKillEvent %d failed", last_timer);
    __try {
        last_timer = timeSetEvent (delay, 50, handle_timer, 0, TIME_ONESHOT);
    __except (1) {
        coprintf ("timeSetEvent %ld failed", delay);
    return (TRUE);

#   else
    /*  But the normal Windows timer will do if we're in 16 bits             */
    if (last_timer)
        KillTimer ((HWND) NULL, last_timer);

    last_timer = SetTimer ((HWND) NULL, 0, (UINT) delay, handle_timer);
    return (TRUE);
#   endif

    return (FALSE);                     /*  No timers - function failed      */

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