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Version 2.11



#include "sflini.h"
ini_scan_section (
    FILE *inifile,
    char **keyword,
    char **value)


Scans the current section of the ini file, and returns a keyword and value if such was found. Returns the address of these values in the supplied arguments. The addresses point to static values that are overwritten with each call. Returns TRUE when a keyword/value pair is found. Returns FALSE if a new section name or end of file is found. In the first case, sets the keyword to the section name; in the second case sets the keyword to NULL. Ignores blank and comment lines, and lines that look like junk. Keyword and section names are returned as lower-case; values are returned exactly as specified in the ini file.

Source Code - (sflini.c)

        remaining;                      /*  Space remaining in line buffer   */

    /*  Read through file until we find what we are looking for              */
    while (file read (inifile, iniline))
        strcrop (iniline);
        if (strnull (iniline))
            continue;                   /*  Skip empty lines                 */

        /*  Calculate space remaining in buffer after this line; we need to
         *  know this later if we start reading continuation lines.
        remaining = LINE_MAX - strlen (iniline);

        first = strskp (iniline);       /*  Skip leading spaces              */
        if (*first == ';' || *first == '#' || *first == 0)
            continue;                   /*  Comment line                     */
        if (*first == '!')
            first = strskp (first + 1);
            trace (first);
        else                            /*  Have name = value                */
        if ((valueptr = strchr (first, '=')) != NULL)
            *valueptr++ = '\0';
            strcpy (ini_keyword, strcrop (strlwc (first)));
            while (*valueptr == ' ')
                valueptr++;             /*    and leading spaces             */

            if (*valueptr == '"')
              {                         /*  Have value in quotes             */
                /*  Get continuation lines as necessary and possible         */
                first = &strlast (valueptr);
                while (*first == '-' && remaining > 0)
                    if (!file readn (inifile, first, remaining))
                        break;                  /*  Abrubt end of file       */
                    strcrop (first);
                    remaining -= strlen (first) - 1;
                    first     += strlen (first) - 1;
                /*  Now find closing quote and terminate value there         */
                for (lineptr = valueptr + 1; *lineptr; lineptr++)
                    if (*lineptr == '\\')
                        lineptr++;      /*  Ignore next char                 */
                    if (*lineptr == '"')
                        lineptr [1] = '\0';
                        break;          /*  Closing quote, end of value      */
              {                         /*  Have unquoted value              */
                strconvch (valueptr, ';', '\0');
                strconvch (valueptr, '#', '\0');
            strcrop (valueptr);
            strcpy (ini_value, valueptr);
            *keyword = ini_keyword;
            *value   = ini_value;
            return (TRUE);              /*  Found keyword = value            */
        if (sscanf (first, "[%[^]]", ini_section) == 1)
            *keyword = strlwc (ini_section);
            *value   = NULL;
            return (FALSE);             /*  New section name                 */
        if (streq (first, "[]"))        /*  Allow empty section names        */
            strcpy (ini_section, "");
            *keyword = ini_section;
            *value   = NULL;
            return (FALSE);             /*  New section name                 */
    *keyword = NULL;
    return (FALSE);                     /*  End of file                      */

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