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Version 2.11



#include "sflfile.h"
file_read (
    FILE *stream,
    char *string)


Reads a line of text delimited by newline from the stream. The string must be LINE_MAX + 1 long. Places a null byte in place of the newline character. Expands tab characters to every 8th column. Returns TRUE when there is more input waiting; FALSE when the last line of the file has been read. Sets the global variable file_crlf to TRUE if CR was found in the file. This variable is by default FALSE. It is also used by file_write.

Source Code - (sflfile.c)

        ch,                             /*  Character read from file         */
        cnbr;                           /*  Index into returned string       */

    ASSERT (stream);
    ASSERT (string);

    cnbr = 0;                           /*  Start at the beginning...        */
    memset (string, ' ', LINE_MAX);     /*    and prepare entire line        */
    for (;;)
        ch = fgetc (stream);            /*  Get next character from file     */
        if (ch == '\t')                 /*  Jump if tab                      */
            cnbr = ((cnbr >> 3) << 3) + 8;
        if (ch == '\r')                 /*  Found carriage-return            */
            file_crlf = TRUE;           /*    Set flag and ignore CR         */
        if ((ch == '\n')                /*  Have end of line                 */
        ||  (ch == EOF)                 /*    or end of file                 */
        ||  (ch == 26))                 /*    or MS-DOS Ctrl-Z               */
            string [cnbr] = '\0';       /*  Terminate string                 */
            return (ch == '\n' || cnbr);    /*  and return TRUE/FALSE        */
        if (cnbr < LINE_MAX)
            string [cnbr++] = (char) ch;    /*  Else add char to string      */

        if (cnbr >= LINE_MAX)           /*  Return in any case if line is    */
          {                             /*    too long - the line will be    */
            string [LINE_MAX] = '\0';   /*    cut into pieces                */
            return (TRUE);

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