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Version 2.11



#include "sflconv.h"
char *
conv_str_number (
    const char *string,                 /*  String to convert                */
    int   flags,                        /*  Number field flags               */
    char  dec_point,                    /*  Decimal point: '.' or ','        */
    int   decimals,                     /*  Number of decimals, or 0         */
    int   dec_format,                   /*  How are decimals shown           */
    int   width                         /*  Output field width, > 0          */


Converts a string to a number. The number format is defined by one or more of these flags (you add them to get a flags argument):
FLAG N SIGNED Number is signed.
FLAG N DECIMALS Number has decimals.
FLAG N ZERO FILL Number has leading zeros.
FLAG N THOUSANDS Number has thousands-separators.
The input string may contain digits, decimal point, thousand separators and a sign character or indicator. Formatting characters are only accepted if they correspond to the number format. A blank string is accepted as zero. A space following digits ends the number; anything further is ignored. Returns a string of width digits, including leading sign if that is required. Zeroes are signed with a space. Width must be at least 1. If the flag FLAG_N_DECIMALS is set, the last X digits are decimals, where X is the value of the decimals argument. Decimals are then accepted or rejected depending on the dec_format:
DECS SHOW ALL Accept decimals.
DECS DROP ZEROS Accept decimals.
DECS HIDE ALL Reject decimals.
DECS SCIENTIFIC Accept decimals.
If the flag FLAG_N_SIGNED is set, accepts a leading or trailing sign, or a financial negative like this: (123). Returns a pointer to the formatted string, or null if the string was rejected. These are the possible reasons for rejection:

Source Code - (sflcvsn.c)

    static char
        number [FORMAT_MAX + 1];        /*  Cleaned-up return string         */
        digits,                         /*  Number of digits read so far     */
        decs_wanted = decimals;         /*  Number of decimals wanted        */
       *dest,                           /*  Store formatted number here      */
        sign_char,                      /*  Number's sign: ' ', '+', '-'     */
        sep_char,                       /*  Thousands separator '.' or ','   */
        decs_seen,                      /*  Number of decimals output        */
        ch;                             /*  Next character in picture        */
        have_point,                     /*  Have we seen a decimal point     */
        have_zero,                      /*  TRUE if number is all zero       */
        end_loop;                       /*  Flag to break out of scan loop   */

    ASSERT (width <= FORMAT_MAX);
    ASSERT (width > 0);
    ASSERT (dec_point == '.' || dec_point == ',');

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Prepare to copy digits  ---------*/

    if ((flags & FLAG_N_THOUSANDS) && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
        sep_char = dec_point == '.'? ',': '.';
        sep_char = ' ';                 /*  Reject any thousands separator   */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Copy the digits  ----------------*/

    digits     = 0;                     /*  No digits loaded yet             */
    decs_seen  = 0;                     /*  No decimals output yet           */
    sign_char  = ' ';                   /*  Final sign character '+' or '-'  */
    end_loop   = FALSE;                 /*  Flag to break out of scan loop   */
    have_point = FALSE;                 /*  No decimal point seen            */
    have_zero  = TRUE;                  /*  So far, it's zero                */

    dest = number;                      /*  Scan through number              */
    while (*string)
        ch = *string++;
        switch (ch)
            case '9':
            case '8':
            case '7':
            case '6':
            case '5':
            case '4':
            case '3':
            case '2':
            case '1':
                have_zero = FALSE;
            case '0':
                *dest++ = ch;
                if (have_point)

            case '-':
            case '+':
            case '(':
                if (sign_char != ' ')
                    conv_reason = CONV_ERR_MULTIPLE_SIGN;
                    return (NULL);      /*  More than one sign char          */
                if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
                    sign_char = ch;
                    conv_reason = CONV_ERR_SIGN_REJECTED;
                    return (NULL);      /*  Number may not be signed         */

            case ')':
                if (sign_char == '(')
                    sign_char = '-';
                    conv_reason = CONV_ERR_SIGN_BAD_FIN;
                    return (NULL);      /*  Malformed financial negative     */

            case ' ':                   /*  Space ends number after digits   */
                end_loop = (digits > 0);

                if (ch == dec_point)
                    if (have_point)
                        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_MULTIPLE_POINT;
                        return (NULL);  /*  More than one decimal point      */
                    if (flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS)
                        have_point = TRUE;
                        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_REJECTED;
                        return (NULL);  /*  No decimals are allowed          */
                if (ch != sep_char)     /*  We allow sep chars anywhere      */
                    conv_reason = CONV_ERR_INVALID_INPUT;
                    return (NULL);      /*    else we have junk              */
        if (end_loop)

    /*  ---------------------------------   Post-format the result  ---------*/

    if (flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS)
        ASSERT (width > decs_wanted);   /*  At least decimals + 1 digit      */

        if (dec_format == DECS_HIDE_ALL)
            if (have_point)
                conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_HIDDEN;
                return (NULL);          /*  No decimals are allowed          */
        while (decs_seen < decs_wanted) /*  Supply missing decimals          */
            *dest++ = '0';
        if (decs_seen > decs_wanted)
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_OVERFLOW;
            return (NULL);              /*  More decimals than allowed       */
        decs_wanted = 0;

    *dest = 0;                          /*  Terminate the string nicely      */
    if (digits > width)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_TOO_MANY_DIGITS;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Overflow -- number too large     */

    /*  Supply leading zeroes                                                */
    if (digits < width)
        /*  Shift number and null to right of field                          */
        memmove (number + (width - digits), number, digits + 1);
        memset  (number, '0', width - digits);

    /*  Store sign if necessary                                              */
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        ASSERT (width > 1);             /*  At least sign + 1 digit          */
        if (number [0] != '0')
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_TOO_MANY_DIGITS;
            return (NULL);              /*  Overflow -- no room for sign     */
        if (sign_char == '(')
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_SIGN_BAD_FIN;
            return (NULL);              /*  Malformed financial negative     */
        if (sign_char == ' ')
            sign_char = '+';

        if (have_zero)
            number [0] = ' ';           /*  Store sign                       */
            number [0] = sign_char;

    return (number);

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