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Version 2.11



#include "sflproc.h"
process_server (
    const char *workdir,                /*  Where server runs, or NULL/""    */
    const char *lockfile,               /*  For exclusive execution          */
    int   argc,                         /*  Original command-line arguments  */
    char *argv [],                      /*  Original command-line arguments  */
    const char *sswitch [])             /*  Filter these options from argv   */


Converts the process from an interactive foreground process into a background process. Depending on the system either the existing process becomes a background process, or a new process is started as a background process and the existing process terminates. Requires the original command-line arguments as passed to the main() function. If a new process is started, any arguments that match any of the values in the (NULL terminated) 'sswitch' array will be omitted from the arguments to the new process. You should specify the command-line switch(es) your main program uses to run as a background service. If it returns, returns 0 if okay, and returns -1 if there was an error. The precise effect of this function depends on the system. On UNIX, does this:

On OS/2, starts a new copy of the program up, detached, and running separately from the current process, and if successful, the existing process exits. On other systems does nothing except return 0.

Source Code - (sflproc.c)

#if (defined (__UNIX__))
        pid_buffer [10];
    struct flock
        lock_file;                      /*  flock() argument block           */
        argi = 0,                       /*  Input arguments iterator         */
        argo = 0;                       /*  Output arguments iterator        */
        **newargv = NULL;               /*  Array of new arguments           */

    newargv = malloc (argc * sizeof (char *));
    if (newargv == NULL)
        return (-1);

    /*  Copy the arguments across, skipping any in sswitch                   */
    for (argi = argo = 0; argi < argc; argi++)
            copy_argument = TRUE;
            i = 0;

        for (i = 0; sswitch != NULL && sswitch [i] != NULL; i++)
            if (strcmp (argv [argi], sswitch [i]) == 0)
                copy_argument = FALSE;
        if (copy_argument)
            newargv [argo++] = argv [argi];

    /*  Terminate the new argument array                                     */
    newargv [argo] = NULL;

#if (defined (__UNIX__))
    /*  We recreate our process as a child of init.  The process continues   */
    /*  to exit in the background.  UNIX calls wait() for all children of    */
    /*  the init process, so the server will exit cleanly.                   */

    fork_result = fork ();
    if (fork_result < 0)                /*  < 0 is an error                  */
        return (-1);                    /*  Could not fork                   */
    if (fork_result > 0)                /*  > 0 is the parent process        */
        exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);            /*  End parent process               */

    /*  We close all open file descriptors that may have been inherited      */
    /*  from the parent process.  This is to reduce the resources we use.    */

    for (file_handle = FILEHANDLE_MAX - 1; file_handle >= 0; file_handle--)
        close (file_handle);            /*  Ignore errors                    */

    /*  We move to a safe and known directory, which is supplied as an       */
    /*  argument to this function (or not, if workdir is NULL or empty).     */

    if (workdir && strused (workdir))
        chdir (workdir);

    /*  We set the umask so that new files are given mode 750 octal          */

    umask (027);                        /*  Complement of 0750               */

    /*  We set standard input and output to the null device so that any      */
    /*  functions that assume that these files are open can still work.      */

    file_handle = open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR);    /*  stdin = handle 0        */
    dup (file_handle);                           /*  stdout = handle 1       */
    dup (file_handle);                           /*  stderr = handle 2       */

    /*  We enforce a lock on the lockfile, if specified, so that only one    */
    /*  copy of the server can run at once.  We return -1 if the lock fails. */
    /*  This locking code might be better isolated into a separate package,  */
    /*  since it is not very portable between unices.                        */

    if (lockfile && strused (lockfile))
        file_handle = open (lockfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0640);
        if (file_handle < 0)
            return (-1);                /*  We could not open lock file      */
            lock_file.l_type = F_WRLCK;
            if (fcntl (file_handle, F_SETLK, &lock_file))
                return (-1);            /*  We could not obtain a lock       */
        /*  We record the server's process id in the lock file               */
        snprintf (pid_buffer, sizeof (pid_buffer), "%6d\n", getpid ());
        write   (file_handle, pid_buffer, strlen (pid_buffer));

    /*  We ignore any hangup signal from the controlling TTY                 */
    signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
    return (0);                         /*  Initialisation completed ok      */

#elif (defined (__OS2__))

    /*  Start a new copy of the program up, running detached from this
     *  program.  Quote the arguments to prevent expansion because they've
     *  already been expanded once if applicable.  The program name is taken
     *  to be argv[0] due to the lack of better options, and the path will be
     *  searched to try to find it.
     *  Providing the program starts successfully, this process exits,
     *  otherwise an error is returned.
#   if (defined (__EMX__))

    if (spawnvp ((P_NOWAIT | P_DETACH | P_QUOTE), newargv [0], newargv) == -1)
        return -1;
        exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

#   else
#   error Do not know how to run detached program.
#   endif

    return (0);                         /*  Nothing to do on this system     */

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