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Version 2.11



#include "sflfile.h"
file_cycle (
    const char *filename,
    int how)


Cycles the file: if the file already exists, renames the existing file. This function tries to rename the file using the date of creation of the file; if this fails because an existing file had the same name, generates a guaranteed unique file name. Returns TRUE if the cycle operation succeeded, or FALSE if it failed (e.g. due to a protection problem). The how argument must be one of:
CYCLE ALWAYS Cycle file unconditionally
CYCLE HOURLY Cycle file if hour has changed
CYCLE DAILY Cycle file if day has changed
CYCLE WEEKLY Cycle file if week has changed
CYCLE MONTHLY Cycle file if month has changed
CYCLE NEVER Don't cycle the file

Source Code - (sflfile.c)

        file_date;                      /*  Datestamp of file                */
        *insert_at;                     /*  Where we start messing name      */
        unique_nbr;                     /*  To generate a unique name        */

    ASSERT (filename);

    /*  If no cycling needed, do nothing                                     */
    if (!file cycle needed (filename, how))
        return (TRUE);                  /*  No errors, nothing in fact       */

    file_date = timer to date (get file time (filename));
    strcpy (full_name, filename);
    point = strrchr (full_name, '.');
    if (point)
        strcpy (work_name, point);      /*  Save extension, if any           */
        *point = '\0';                  /*    and truncate original name     */
        strclr (work_name);

    /*  We leave up to 2 original letters of the filename, then stick-in     */
    /*  the 6-digit timestamp.                                               */
    insert_at = strrchr (full_name, '/');
#if (defined (MSDOS_FILESYSTEM))
    if (!insert_at)
        insert_at = strrchr (full_name, '\\');
    if (insert_at)
        insert_at++;                    /*  Bump past slash, if found        */
        insert_at = full_name;

    if (*insert_at)                     /*  Bump insert_at twice, to leave   */
        insert_at++;                    /*    up to 2 letters before we      */
    if (*insert_at)                     /*    stick-in the date stamp        */

    /*  Format new name for file and make sure it does not already exist     */
    sprintf (insert_at, "%06d", (int) (file_date % 1000000L));
    strcat  (insert_at, work_name);
    if (file exists (full_name))
        point = strrchr (full_name, '.') + 1;
        for (unique_nbr = 0; unique_nbr < 1000; unique_nbr++)
            sprintf (point, "%03d", unique_nbr);
            if (!file exists (full_name))
    if (file exists (full_name))
        return (FALSE);                 /*  We give up!                      */

    if (file rename (filename, full_name))
        return (FALSE);                 /*  No permission                    */
        return (TRUE);                  /*  Okay, it worked                  */

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