
Downloading and Installing

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Installation Under Unix

Make sure your PERLLIB environmental variable is set, e.g.:

$ echo $PERLLIB

This is the path where the Perl interpreter can find standard Perl libraries. If you see a blank line after the echo command, then your PERLLIB environmental (shell) variable is not set. For Perl 5 distributions, the default PERLLIB path is /usr/lib/perl5. It is a good idea just to put the assignment of the PERLLIB variable into your login command file. See the appropriate man page for your shell for more information.


  • Download the htmlpp.tgz or the file.
  • Make a directory for the contents of this distribution:
    mkdir /usr/local/htmlpp
  • Copy the downloaded archive to this directory:
    cp htmlpXXX.X /usr/local/htmlpp
  • cd to this directory and extract the archive file:
    ArchiveExtract using
    htmlpXXX.tgz tar zxvf htmlpXXX.tgz unzip -a
  • Copy the htmlpp file to a common directory, such as /usr/local/bin. Make sure the htmlpp file has execute permission.
  • Copy all the .pl file and the htmlpp.d file from htmlpp directory to the PERLLIB directory (Usually, /usr/lib/perl5).
    cp /usr/local/htmlpp/*.pl $PERLLIB/
  • Run the htmlpp command with no arguments and you will see the following ouput:
    Htmlpp - a HTML pre-processor V4.2a
    This is free software and may be freely modified and distributed.
    Copyright (c) 1996-99 iMatix Corporation -
    syntax: htmlpp [-debug] [-guru] [-env] [-nofunc] [-page list]
                   [-set name=value] [-charset value] <filename>...
     -debug    Leave work files: useful for debugging macros and loops
     -guru     Work in Guru Mode
     -env      Load all environment variables into document symbol table
     -nofunc   Ignore unknown intrinsic functions (&xxx)
     -page     Produce only specified pages; list can take any of these
               forms: 'nn', 'nn-nn', 'nn,nn,nn'.  E.g. -page 1 -page 3,7
               You can also refer to output filenames: -page index3.htm
     -set      Set symbol value. This override any default settings or
               settings made from within the htmlpp input.
     -charset  Define the character set for the source input.
               Valid values are 'iso-8859-1' and 'ms-dos'.

    If you see an error message such as the following:

    Can't locate in @INC
    (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/i586-linux/5.00404
    /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i586-linux
    /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .)
    at /usr/local/bin/htmlpp line 26.

    This means that the Perl interpreter cannot find a file specified by the 'require' command in the @INC path. Make sure you have copied all the *.pl files from the htmlpp directory into $PERLLIB and that the PERLLIB shell variable is set to this path.

    If you see a message like:

    # htmlpp
    bash: /usr/bin/htmlpp: No such file or directory

    You might have to edit the 'shebang' on the first line of the file htmlpp. The problem is that the shebang is pointing to the wrong location for perl. On some systems, 'which perl' will give you the correct path to place in the shebang. On many systems you can use '#! /usr/bin/perl'.

Copyright © 1996-99 iMatix Corporation.
Hosted by Made with Htmlpp. Powered by Xitami.
Updated: October 20, 1999