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Version 2.11



#include "sflconv.h"
char *
conv_time_pict (
    long time,
    const char *picture)


Converts a time to a string using a picture. The picture is composed of any combination of these formats:
h hour, 0-23
hh hour, 00- 23
m minute, 0-59
mm minute, 00-59
s second, 0-59
ss second, 00-59
c centisecond, 0- 99
cc centisecond, 00-99
a a/p indicator - use 12-hour clock
aa am/pm indicator - use 12-hour clock
A A/P indicator - use 12-hour clock
AA AM/PM indicator - use 12-hour clock
\x literal character x
other literal character
Returns the formatted result. This is a static string, of at most 80 characters, that is overwritten by each call. If time is zero, returns an empty string. The 'h', 'm', 's', and 'c' formats output a leading space when used at the start of the picture. This is to improve the alignment of a column of times. If the previous character was a digit, these formats also output a space in place of the leading zero.

Source Code - (sflcvtp.c)

    static char
        formatted [FORMAT_MAX + 1];     /*  Formatted return string          */
        hour,                           /*  Hour component of time           */
        minute,                         /*  Minute component of time         */
        second,                         /*  Second component of time         */
        centi,                          /*  1/100 sec component of time      */
        cursize;                        /*  Size of current component        */
       *dest,                           /*  Store formatted data here        */
        ch,                             /*  Next character in picture        */
        lastch = '0';                   /*  Last character we output         */
        pm;                             /*  TRUE when hour >= 12             */

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */

    /*  Zero time is returned as empty string                                */
    if (time == 0)
        strclr (formatted);
        return (formatted);

    hour    = GET_HOUR   (time);
    minute  = GET_MINUTE (time);
    second  = GET_SECOND (time);
    centi   = GET_CENTI  (time);

    /*  If am/pm component specified, use 12-hour clock                      */
    if (hour >= 12)
        pm = TRUE;
        if (strpbrk (picture, "aA") && hour > 12)
            hour -= 12;
        pm = FALSE;

    ASSERT (hour   >= 0 && hour   < 24);
    ASSERT (minute >= 0 && minute < 60);
    ASSERT (second >= 0 && second < 60);

    /*  Scan through picture, converting each component                      */
    dest = formatted;
    *dest = 0;                          /*  string is empty                  */
    while (*picture)
        /*  Get character and count number of occurences                     */
        ch = *picture++;
        for (cursize = 1; *picture == ch; cursize++)

        switch (ch)
            /*  h         hour,  0-23                                        */
            /*  hh        hour, 00-23                                        */
            case 'h':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, (isdigit (lastch)? "%2d": "%d"), hour);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", hour);

            /*  m         minute,  0-59                                      */
            /*  mm        minute, 00-59                                      */
            case 'm':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, (isdigit (lastch)? "%2d": "%d"), minute);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", minute);

            /*  s         second,  0-59                                      */
            /*  ss        second, 00-59                                      */
            case 's':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, (isdigit (lastch)? "%2d": "%d"), second);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", second);

            /*  c         centisecond,  0-99                                 */
            /*  cc        centisecond, 00-99                                 */
            case 'c':
                if (cursize == 1)
                    sprintf (dest, (isdigit (lastch)? "%2d": "%d"), centi);
                if (cursize == 2)
                    sprintf (dest, "%02d", centi);

            /*  a         a/p indicator                                      */
            /*  aa        am/pm indicator                                    */
            case 'a':
                strncat (dest, (pm? "pm": "am"), cursize);
                dest [cursize] = 0;

            /*  A         A/P indicator                                      */
            /*  AA        AM/PM indicator                                    */
            case 'A':
                strncat (dest, (pm? "PM": "AM"), cursize);
                dest [cursize] = 0;

            /*  \x        literal character x                                */
            case '\\':
                ch = *picture++;
        if (*dest)                      /*  If something was output,         */
            while (*dest)               /*    skip to end of string          */
            while (cursize--)           /*  Else output ch once or more      */
                *dest++ = ch;           /*    and bump dest pointer          */

        lastch = *(dest - 1);           /*  Get previous character           */
        *dest = 0;                      /*  Terminate the string nicely      */
    return (formatted);

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