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Version 2.11



#include "sfltok.h"
char **
tok_split_rich (
    const char *string,
    const char *delims)


Works as the tok split() function, but handles tokens that are delimited by user-specified characters. A typical use of this function is to handle quoted strings. Each character in the delims argument is a potential token delimiter. For instance, to handle strings defined with single or double quotes, you could pass "\"'" as the delims argument. Note that this function always splits on spaces outside delimited tokens.

Source Code - (sfltok.c)

        **token_list,                   /*  Returned token list              */
        delim,                          /*  Current delimiter character      */
        last_char = '\0';               /*  Last character parsed            */
        word_count = 0,                 /*  Number of words in string        */

    /*  Allocate space for work string, up to the size of the input string   */
    buffer = mem_alloc (strlen (string) + 1);
    if (buffer == NULL)
        return (NULL);

    /*  Now copy string and eliminate spaces and cut on delimiters           */
    bufptr = buffer;                    /*  Move to start of target buffer   */
    if (string)                         /*  Allow string to be NULL          */
        while (*string)                 /*  Copy entire string               */
            if (strchr (delims, *string))
              {                         /*  User-specified delimiter         */
                word_count++;           /*  Count the word                   */
                delim = *string++;      /*    and skip the delimiter         */
                while (*string != delim)
                    if (*string)
                        *bufptr++ = *string++;
                        break;          /*  Unfinished token, but allright   */
                last_char = *bufptr++ = '\0';
                if (*string == delim)
                    string++;           /*  Skip final delimiter             */
                while (isspace (*string))
                    string++;           /*    and any trailing spaces        */
            if (isspace (*string))      /*  Collapse whitespace to           */
              {                         /*    a single null byte             */
                word_count++;           /*    unless at the start            */
                while (isspace (*string))
                if (bufptr > buffer)
                    last_char = *bufptr++ = '\0';
                last_char = *bufptr++ = *string++;
    /*  Count last word if it was not terminated in a white space            */
    if (last_char > 0)

    *bufptr = '\0';                     /*  End with final NULL              */

    /*  The token list starts with a pointer to the buffer, then has one     */
    /*  pointer to each string in the buffer.  It ends with a null pointer.  */
    /*  We return the address of the first string pointer, i.e. the caller   */
    /*  does not see the pointer to the buffer.  We can thus get away with   */
    /*  just two allocs; one for the buffer and one for the token list.     */
    token_list = mem_alloc (sizeof (char *) * (word_count + 2));
    if (token_list == NULL)
        return (NULL);

    token_list [0] = buffer;            /*  Store buffer address             */
    token_list++;                       /*    and bump starting address      */

    bufptr = buffer;
    for (word_nbr = 0; word_nbr < word_count; word_nbr++)
        token_list [word_nbr] = bufptr;
        bufptr += strlen (bufptr) + 1;
    token_list [word_count] = NULL;     /*  Store final null pointer         */
    return (token_list);


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