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Version 2.11



#include "sflenv.h"
char **
symb2env (
    const SYMTAB *symtab)


Returns an environment block from the supplied symbol table. The returned block is an array of strings, terminated by a null pointer. Each string is allocated independently using mem_alloc(). Returns NULL if there was not enough memory to allocate the block. Normalises the environment variable names as follows: converts all letters to uppercase, and non- alphanumeric characters to underlines. To free the array, use strtfree(). See also symb2strt().

Source Code - (sflenv.c)

        *memtrn;                        /*  Memory transation                */
        *symbol;                        /*  Pointer to symbol                */
        **strings,                      /*  Returned string array            */
        *name_and_value,                /*  Name=value string                */
        *nameptr;                       /*  Pointer into name                */
        string_nbr;                     /*  Index into symbol_array          */

    if (!symtab)
        return (NULL);                  /*  Return NULL if argument is null  */

    /*  Allocate the array of pointers with one slot for the final NULL      */
    memtrn  = mem new trans ();
    strings = memt_alloc (memtrn, sizeof (char *) * (symtab-> size + 1));
    if (strings)
        string_nbr = 0;
        for (symbol = symtab-> symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol-> next)
            /*  Allocate space for "name=value" plus final null char         */
            name_and_value = memt_alloc (memtrn,
                                        (strlen (symbol-> name)
                                         + strlen (symbol-> value) + 2));
            if (!name_and_value)        /*  Quit if no memory left           */
                mem rollback (memtrn);
                return (NULL);
            /*  Get symbol name in uppercase, using underlines               */
            strcpy (name_and_value, symbol-> name);
            for (nameptr = name_and_value; *nameptr; nameptr++)
                if (isalnum (*nameptr))
                    *nameptr = toupper (*nameptr);
                    *nameptr = '_';
            strcat (name_and_value, "=");
            strcat (name_and_value, symbol-> value);
            strings [string_nbr++] = name_and_value;
        strings [string_nbr] = NULL;    /*  Store final null pointer         */
    mem commit (memtrn);
    return (strings);

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