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Version 2.11



#include "sflconv.h"
conv_str_date (
    const char *string,
    int  flags,
    int  format,
    int  order)


Converts a string to a date. The supposed format of the date is defined by the format argument, which can be one of:
DATE YMD COMPACT Year month day.
DATE YMD DELIM Year month day.
DATE YMD SPACE Year month day.
DATE YMD COMMA Year month day.
DATE YM COMPACT Year and month only; day is zero.
DATE YM DELIM Year and month only; day is zero.
DATE YM SPACE Year and month only; day is zero.
DATE MD COMPACT Month and day only; year is zero.
DATE MD DELIM Month and day only; year is zero.
DATE MD SPACE Month and day only; year is zero.
The date order must be one of:
DATE ORDER YMD Year month day.
DATE ORDER DMY Day month year.
DATE ORDER MDY Month day year.
You can override the order using these flags:
FLAG D ORDER YMD Year month day.
FLAG D ORDER DMY Day month year.
FLAG D ORDER MDY Month day year.
Returns the date as a long integer, YYYYMMDD. The conversion is pretty relaxed and allows strings like: 010195, 1-1-95, 1-Jan- 95, 1jan95, 01jan95, 1 1 95, etc. The input string must be null-terminated. Returns -1 in case of an invalid date or format. If the short formats (DATE_DM_..., DATE_YM_...) are used, the missing field is always set to 0 and cannot be supplied in the string. If the date was empty, i.e. contains no usable digits, returns 0.

Source Code - (sflcvsd.c)

        char *month_name [] =
            "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun",
            "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"

    static byte
        month_days [] =
            31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
        order_ptr [][3] =               /*  Year, Month, Day pointers        */
          {                             /*    for various orders & formats   */
          /*  YY MM DD   YYYY MM DD     YY MM       YYYY MM            MM DD */
            { 0, 2, 4 }, { 0, 4, 6 }, { 0, 2, 99 }, { 0, 4, 99 }, { 99, 0, 2 },
            { 4, 2, 0 }, { 4, 2, 0 }, { 2, 0, 99 }, { 2, 0, 99 }, { 99, 2, 0 },
            { 4, 0, 2 }, { 4, 0, 2 }, { 2, 0, 99 }, { 2, 0, 99 }, { 99, 0, 2 },

        date_digits   [9],              /*  8 digits of date                 */
        month_letters [4] = "???",      /*  3 characters of month            */
        ch;                             /*  Next character in date           */
        feedback;                       /*  Returned date; -1 = error        */
        digits,                         /*  Number of digits in string       */
        delimiters,                     /*  Number of delimiters in date     */
        digitseq,                       /*  Number of digits in sequence     */
        count,                          /*  Number of month letters          */
        year,                           /*  Date year value                  */
        month,                          /*  Date month value                 */
        day,                            /*  Date day value                   */
        order_index,                    /*  Index into order table           */
        y_ptr,                          /*  Where is year in date?           */
        m_ptr,                          /*  Where is month in date?          */
        d_ptr,                          /*  Where is day in date?            */
        date_order = order;             /*  Actual date order                */
        had_month;                      /*  Did we already get a month?      */

    ASSERT (format >= DATE_FORMAT_FIRST && format <= DATE_FORMAT_LAST);
    ASSERT (order  >= DATE_ORDER_FIRST  && order  <= DATE_ORDER_LAST);

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */
    if (flags & FLAG_D_ORDER_YMD)
        date_order = DATE_ORDER_YMD;
    if (flags & FLAG_D_ORDER_DMY)
        date_order = DATE_ORDER_DMY;
    if (flags & FLAG_D_ORDER_MDY)
        date_order = DATE_ORDER_MDY;

    /*  Collect date digits                                                  */
    digits     = 0;                     /*  Nothing collected so far         */
    digitseq   = 0;                     /*  No digits in sequence            */
    feedback   = 0;                     /*  No errors so far                 */
    delimiters = 0;                     /*  We allow up to 2 delimiters      */
    had_month  = FALSE;                 /*  True after 3-letter month seen   */

        ch = *string++;
        if (isdigit (ch))
            if (digits < 8)
                date_digits [digits++] = ch;
                conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DATE_SIZE;
                feedback = -1;          /*  Too many digits                  */
            /*  Fill-up to even number of digits                             */
            if (digits > (digits / 2) * 2)
                date_digits [digits] = date_digits [digits - 1];
                date_digits [digits - 1] = '0';
            /*  3 or 5 in a row is not allowed                               */
            if (digitseq == 3 || digitseq == 5)
                conv_reason = CONV_ERR_REJECT_3_5;
                feedback = -1;
            digitseq = 0;

            /*  If a letter, try to match against a month                    */
            if (isalpha (ch))
                if (had_month)
                    conv_reason = CONV_ERR_MULTIPLE_MONTH;
                    feedback = -1;
                    for (count = 0; isalpha (ch); )
                        if (count < 3)
                            month_letters [count++] = (char) tolower (ch);
                        ch = *string++;
                    string--;           /*  Move back to char after month    */
                    if (count < 3)
                        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_BAD_MONTH;
                        feedback = -1;  /*  Too few letters                  */
                    month_letters [3] = 0;
                    for (count = 0; count < 12; count++)
                        if (streq (month_letters, month_name [count]))
                            date_digits [digits++] = (char) (count / 10 + '0');
                            date_digits [digits++] = (char) (count % 10 + '0');
                            had_month = TRUE;
                    if (!had_month)
                        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_BAD_MONTH;
                        feedback = -1;  /*  Month not found                  */
            if (ispunct (ch))           /*  Skip any delimiter               */
                if ((++delimiters > 2)
                ||  (format > DATE_YMD_LAST && delimiters > 1))
                    conv_reason = CONV_ERR_MULTIPLE_DELIM;
                    feedback = -1;      /*  Multiple delimiters              */
    until (ch == 0);

    /*  Return zero date if empty                                            */
    if (digits == 0)
        return (feedback);

    /*  Calculate offset in date_digits for various date order & formats     */
    order_index = (date_order - 1) * 5; /*  Each row has 5 items             */

    if (format <= DATE_YMD_LAST)
        if (digits == 6)
            ;   /* nothing */
        if (digits == 8)
            order_index += 1;
    if (format <= DATE_YM_LAST)
        date_digits [digits++] = '0';
        date_digits [digits++] = '0';
        if (digits == 6)
            order_index += 2;
        if (digits == 8)
            order_index += 3;
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DATE_SIZE;
            return (-1);                /*  Error - bad date size            */
    if (format <= DATE_MD_LAST)
        date_digits [digits++] = '0';
        date_digits [digits++] = '0';
        if (digits == 6)
            order_index += 4;
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DATE_SIZE;
            return (-1);                /*  Error - bad date size            */

    /*  Decode order to pick-up offset of day/month/year in date_digits      */
    y_ptr = order_ptr [order_index][0];
    m_ptr = order_ptr [order_index][1];
    d_ptr = order_ptr [order_index][2];

#   define DIGIT(x) (date_digits [(x)] - '0')
    if (y_ptr != 99)
        year = DIGIT (y_ptr) * 10 + DIGIT (y_ptr + 1);
        if (digits == 8)
            year = DIGIT (y_ptr + 2) * 10 + DIGIT (y_ptr + 3) + year * 100;

        if (year < 50)
            year += 2000;
        if (year < 100)
            year += 1900;
        year = 0;

    if (m_ptr != 99)
        month = DIGIT (m_ptr) * 10 + DIGIT (m_ptr + 1);
        if (month == 0 || month > 12)
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
            feedback = -1;
        month = 0;

    if (d_ptr != 99)
        day = DIGIT (d_ptr) * 10 + DIGIT (d_ptr + 1);
        if ((day == 0 || day > (int) month_days [month - 1])
        ||  (month == 2 && day == 29 && !leap year (year)))
            conv_reason = CONV_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE;
            feedback = -1;
        day = 0;

    if (feedback == 0)
        feedback = year * 10000L + month * 100 + day;

    return (feedback);

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