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Version 2.11



#include "sflconv.h"
char *
conv_number_str (
    const char *number,                 /*  Number to convert                */
    int   flags,                        /*  Number formatting flags          */
    char  dec_point,                    /*  Decimal point: '.' or ','        */
    int   decimals,                     /*  Number of decimals, or 0         */
    int   dec_format,                   /*  How are decimals shown?          */
    int   width,                        /*  Output field width, or 0         */
    int   sign_format                   /*  How are negatives shown?         */


Converts a number to a string. The number format is defined largely by the flags argument, which can specify various values defined in sflconv.h:
FLAG N SIGNED Show signed number, using sign_format argument.
FLAG N DECIMALS Show decimals, using dec_format argument.
FLAG N LEFT Left-justify number; no effect if width is 0.
FLAG N ZERO FILL Right-justfified, with leading zeroes.
FLAG N ZERO BLANK Show zero as empty string or spaces (width > 0).
FLAG N THOUSANDS Show number with thousands separators.
Sign formats:
SIGN NEG TRAIL Negative numbers only: 123-
SIGN ALL TRAIL All non-zero numbers: 123- 123+
SIGN NEG LEAD Negative numbers only: -123
SIGN ALL LEAD All non-zero numbers: -123 +123
SIGN FINANCIAL Negative numbers only: (123)
Decimal formats:
DECS SHOW ALL 123.10, 123.00, 0.95
DECS DROP ZEROS 123.1, 123, 0.95
DECS HIDE ALL 123, 123, 0
DECS PERCENTAGE 12300, 12300, 95
DECS SCIENTIFIC 1.231e2, 1.23e2, 9.5e-1
The input number string may contain leading zeros and a leading sign character (space, '+', '-') if signed. These are examples of valid 8-digit numbers: "1234" "00001234" "12345678" "+12345678". If the flag FLAG_N_DECIMALS is set, the last X digits are taken to be decimals, where X is the value of the decimals argument. If the number contains a decimal point (always '.'), this is taken to indicate the start of the decimal part. The formatted number is placed within a field of specified width. If the number is right-justfied, this means it may have leading spaces. If the field width is 0, the number will never have leading spaces. Returns a pointer to the formatted string, or NULL if the specified width is too small for formatted number or the supplied number does not contain enough digits.

Source Code - (sflcvns.c)

    static char
        formatted [FORMAT_MAX + 1],     /*  Formatted return string          */
        zero [CONV_MAX_DECS + 2];       /*  Default value if needed          */
        sep_stop,                       /*  Where we put next sep_char       */
        dec_stop,                       /*  Where we put decimal point       */
        decs_wanted = decimals,         /*  Number of decimals wanted        */
        decs_seen,                      /*  Number of decimals output        */
        sign_pos,                       /*  Where we put sign, if any        */
        digits;                         /*  Number of digits read so far     */
       *dest,                           /*  Store formatted number here      */
        sign_char,                      /*  Number's sign: ' ', '+', '-'     */
        sep_char,                       /*  Thousands separator '.' or ','   */
        drop_zero,                      /*  We suppress this char            */
        ch;                             /*  Next character in picture        */
        have_zero;                      /*  TRUE if whole number is zero     */

    ASSERT (width <= FORMAT_MAX);
    ASSERT (dec_point == '.' || dec_point == ',');

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Prepare to copy digits  ---------*/

    if (decs_wanted > CONV_MAX_DECS)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_OVERFLOW;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Error - too many decimals        */
    /*  If value is empty, use "0" with enough decimals as default value     */
    /*  We allow one whole digit and as many decimals as needed.             */
    if (strnull (number))
        strpad (zero, '0', decs_wanted + 1);
        number = zero;

    /*  Pick-up sign character if present                                    */
    if (*number == ' ' || *number == '+' || *number == '-')
        sign_char = *number++;
        sign_char = ' ';

    /*  While leading zero is '0' we blank-out zeros in the number           */
    drop_zero = (char) (flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL? ' ': '0');

    /*  Prepare for decimals                                                 */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS) == 0)
        decs_wanted = 0;

    if (strchr (number, '.'))
        dec_stop = (int) (strchr (number, '.') - (char *) number);
        dec_stop = strlen (number) - decs_wanted;

    if (dec_stop < 1)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_MISSING;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Error - too few decimals         */

    /*  Prepare for thousands-separators if FLAG_N_THOUSANDS                 */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_THOUSANDS) && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
        /*  Get number of whole digits, allowing for decimals & dec sign     */
        sep_char = (char) (dec_point == '.'? ',': '.');
        sep_stop = (dec_stop - (decs_wanted? decs_wanted + 1: 0)) % 3;
        if (sep_stop == 0)
            sep_stop = 3;               /*  Get into range 1..3              */
        sep_char = ' ';
        sep_stop = 0;                   /*  No thousands separators          */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Copy the digits  ----------------*/

    digits    = 0;                      /*  No digits loaded yet             */
    decs_seen = 0;                      /*  No decimals output yet           */
    have_zero = TRUE;                   /*  Assume number is zero            */
    dest      = formatted;              /*  Format number                    */
    while (*number)                     /*    until we hit the terminator    */
        ch = *number++;
        if (ch == '.')
            continue;                   /*  Ignore '.' in number             */


        if (ch == drop_zero && digits < dec_stop)
            ch = ' ';
        if (isdigit (ch))
            drop_zero = ' ';
            if (ch > '0')
                have_zero = FALSE;
        if (ch != ' ' || (width > 0 && !(flags & FLAG_N_LEFT)))
            *dest++ = ch;               /*  Output this digit                */
            if (digits > dec_stop)
                decs_seen++;            /*  Count the decimal digit          */
            if (digits == dec_stop)     /*  Handle decimal stop              */
              {                         /*    with optional point            */
                if (flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS)
                    *dest++ = dec_point;
                sep_stop = 0;           /*  And kill further thousand seps   */
        /*  Output thousands separator unless we are in blank area           */
        if (digits == sep_stop)
            if (ch != ' ')
                *dest++ = sep_char;
            sep_stop += 3;
    *dest = 0;                          /*  Terminate the string nicely      */
    /*  ---------------------------------   Post-format the result  ---------*/

    if (decs_wanted > 0)
        /*  Output trailing decimal zeroes if not supplied                   */
        if (decs_seen == 0)
            *dest++ = dec_point;
        while (decs_seen < decs_wanted)
            *dest++ = '0';
        /*  Drop all decimals if format is DEC_HIDE_ALL                      */
        if (dec_format == DECS_HIDE_ALL)
            while (*dest != dec_point)
                dest--;                 /*  Drop-off trailing zero           */
        /*  Drop trailing decimal zeroes if format is DEC_DROP_ZEROS         */
        if (dec_format == DECS_DROP_ZEROS)
            while (*dest != dec_point)
                if (*(dest - 1) > '0')
                    dest--;             /*  Drop-off trailing zero           */
        *dest = 0;                      /*  Terminate the string nicely      */

    /*  Justify within width if width > 0                                    */
    sign_pos = 0;                       /*  Sign normally comes at start     */
    digits   = strlen (formatted);
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        digits++;                       /*  Allow for eventual sign          */
        if (sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            digits++;                   /*  Sign shown like (123)            */
    while (digits < width)
        if (flags & FLAG_N_LEFT && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
            strcat (formatted, " ");
            stropen (formatted, FALSE); /*  Insert blank at start of string  */
            if (flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL)
                formatted [0] = '0';
                sign_pos++;             /*  Skip leading space               */

    /*  Format sign if FLAG_N_SIGNED                                         */
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        if (sign_format == SIGN_NEG_LEAD
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_ALL_LEAD
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            stropen (formatted, FALSE);

        if (sign_format == SIGN_NEG_TRAIL
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_ALL_TRAIL
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            strcat (formatted, " ");

        if (!have_zero)                 /*  Zero has no sign                 */
            switch (sign_format)
                case SIGN_NEG_LEAD:
                    if (sign_char != '-')
                        break;          /*  Fall through if negative sign    */
                case SIGN_ALL_LEAD:
                    formatted [sign_pos] = sign_char;

                case SIGN_NEG_TRAIL:
                    if (sign_char != '-')
                        break;          /*  Fall through if negative sign    */
                case SIGN_ALL_TRAIL:
                    strlast (formatted) = sign_char;

                case SIGN_FINANCIAL:
                    if (sign_char == '-')
                        formatted [0]       = '(';
                        strlast (formatted) = ')';

    /*  If all zeroes, return a blank string if FLAG_N_ZERO_BLANK            */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_BLANK) && have_zero)
        memset (formatted, ' ', width);
        formatted [width] = 0;

    if (width > 0 && (strlen (formatted) > (size_t) width))
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_NUM_OVERFLOW;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Overflow -- number too large     */
        return (formatted);

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