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Version 2.11



#include "sflmail.h"
int smtp_send_mail_ex (
   SMTP *smtp)


Format and send a SMTP message. This function gives you the options of sneding to multi receivers, CC's, Bcc's and also send UUencoded attachments. Receivers and files are ";" or "," terminated. NOTE: The sock_init function should be called before use of this function.

Source Code - (sflmail.c)

   FILE *fpin;
   int iCnt;
   sock_t iSocket;
   char strOut[514], strFile[256], strRetBuff[513];
   char strUUEFile[256], *strRcptUserIds;
   int iOld_ip_nonblock = ip_nonblock, rcptUserIdsLen;

   /*  Make sure we block on socket accesses                                 */
   ip_nonblock = FALSE;

   /* Open up the SMTP port (25 most of the time). */
   iSocket = connect socket (smtp->strSmtpServer,
                             "smtp", "tcp", NULL,

   if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400 || iSocket < 0)
       return -1;

   /* Format a SMTP meassage header.  */
   /* Just say hello to the mail server. */
   xstrcpy (strOut, "HELO ", get hostname (), "\n", NULL);
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);
   if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400)
       return -2;

   /* Tell the mail server who the message is from. */
   xstrcpy (strOut, "MAIL FROM:<", smtp->strSenderUserId, ">\n", NULL);
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);
   if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400)
       return -3;

   rcptUserIdsLen = (strlen (smtp->strDestUserIds) +
                     strlen (smtp->strCcUserIds) +
		     strlen (smtp->strBccUserIds) + 3);

   strRcptUserIds = (char *) malloc (rcptUserIdsLen);
   snprintf (strRcptUserIds, rcptUserIdsLen, "%s;%s;%s",
	     smtp->strDestUserIds, smtp->strCcUserIds, smtp->strBccUserIds);

   /* The following tells the mail server who to send it to. */
   iCnt = 0;
   while (1)
       getstrfld (strRcptUserIds, iCnt++, 0, ",;", strRetBuff);

       if (*strRetBuff)
           xstrcpy (strOut, "RCPT TO:<", strRetBuff, ">\r\n", NULL);
           smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);
           if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400)
               return -4;


   free (strRcptUserIds);

   /* Now give it the Subject and the message to send. */
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, "DATA\r\n");
   if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400)
       return -5;

   /* Set the date and time of the message. */
   xstrcpy ( strOut, "Date: ", encode mime time (date now (), time now ()),
             " \r\n", NULL );

   /* The following shows all who it was sent to. */
   if ( smtp->strFullDestUserIds && *smtp->strFullDestUserIds )
       replacechrswith (smtp->strFullDestUserIds, ";", ',');
       xstrcpy (strOut, "To: ", smtp->strFullDestUserIds, "\r\n", NULL);
       replacechrswith (smtp->strDestUserIds, ";", ',');
       xstrcpy (strOut, "To: ", smtp->strDestUserIds, "\r\n", NULL);

   /* Set up the Reply-To path. */
   if (!smtp->strRetPathUserId || !*smtp->strRetPathUserId)
       smtp->strRetPathUserId = smtp->strSenderUserId;

   if ( strstr( smtp->strRetPathUserId, "<" ) != NULL &&
        strstr( smtp->strRetPathUserId, ">" ) != NULL )
       xstrcat (strOut, "Reply-To:", smtp->strRetPathUserId, "\r\n", NULL);
       xstrcat (strOut, "Reply-To:<", smtp->strRetPathUserId, ">\r\n", NULL);

   if ( smtp->strFullSenderUserId && *smtp->strFullSenderUserId )
       xstrcat (strOut, "Sender:", smtp->strFullSenderUserId, "\r\n", NULL);
       xstrcat (strOut, "From:", smtp->strFullSenderUserId, "\r\n", NULL);
       xstrcat (strOut, "Sender:", smtp->strSenderUserId, "\r\n", NULL);
       xstrcat (strOut, "From:", smtp->strSenderUserId, "\r\n", NULL);
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);

   *strOut = '\0';

   /* Post any CC's. */
   if (smtp->strFullCcUserIds && *smtp->strFullCcUserIds)
       replacechrswith (smtp->strFullCcUserIds, ";", ',');
       xstrcat (strOut, "Cc:", smtp->strFullCcUserIds, "\r\n", NULL );
   if (smtp->strCcUserIds && *smtp->strCcUserIds)
       replacechrswith (smtp->strCcUserIds, ";", ',');
       xstrcat (strOut, "Cc:", smtp->strCcUserIds, "\r\n", NULL );

   /* Post any BCC's. */
   if (smtp->strFullBccUserIds && *smtp->strFullBccUserIds)
       replacechrswith (smtp->strFullBccUserIds, ";", ',');
       xstrcat (strOut, "Bcc:", smtp->strFullBccUserIds, "\r\n", NULL);
   if (smtp->strBccUserIds && *smtp->strBccUserIds)
       replacechrswith (smtp->strBccUserIds, ";", ',');
       xstrcat (strOut, "Bcc:", smtp->strBccUserIds, "\r\n", NULL);
   /* Post any Return-Receipt-To. */
   if (smtp->strRrcpUserId && *smtp->strRrcpUserId)
       xstrcat (strOut, "Return-Receipt-To:", smtp->strRrcpUserId, ">\r\n",

   if (smtp->strMailerName && *smtp->strMailerName)
       xstrcat (strOut, "X-Mailer: ", smtp->strMailerName, "\r\n", NULL);
       strcat (strOut, "X-Mailer: sflmail function\r\n");

   /* Set the mime version. */
   strcat (strOut, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
   strcat (strOut,
   "Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=Message-Boundary-21132\r\n");

   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);

   /* Write out any message comment included. */
   xstrcpy (strOut, "Comments: ", smtp->strMsgComment, "\r\n", NULL);

   /* Send the subject and message body. */
   xstrcat (strOut, "Subject:", smtp->strSubject, "\n\r\n", NULL);
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);

   /* Keep rfc822 in mind with all the sections. */
   if (smtp->strMessageBody && *smtp->strMessageBody)
       strcat (strOut, "\r\n--Message-Boundary-21132\r\n");
       strcat (strOut, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\r\n");
       strcat (strOut, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT\r\n");
       strcat (strOut, "Content-description: Body of message\r\n\r\n");
       smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);
       smtp_send_data (iSocket, smtp->strMessageBody);
       smtp_send_data (iSocket, "\r\n");

   /* Include any Text type files and Attach them to the message. */
   if (smtp->strTxtFiles && *smtp->strTxtFiles)
       iCnt = 0;
       while (1)
           getstrfld (smtp->strTxtFiles, iCnt++, 0, ",;", strFile);
           trim (strFile);
           if (*strFile)
               fpin = fopen (strFile, "rb");
               if (!fpin)
                   strcpy (smtp->strlast_smtp_message, strFile);
                   return -6;

               strcpy (strOut, "\r\n--Message-Boundary-21132\r\n");
               strcat (strOut,
                       "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\r\n");
               strcat (strOut, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT\r\n");
               xstrcat (strOut, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=",
                        getfilename (strFile), "\r\n\n", NULL);
               smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);
               while (!feof (fpin))
                   memset (strRetBuff, 0, 513);
                   fread (strRetBuff, sizeof (char), 512, fpin);
                   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strRetBuff);

               fclose (fpin);

   /* Attach any bin files to the message. */
   if (smtp->strBinFiles && *smtp->strBinFiles)
       iCnt = 0;
       while (1)
           getstrfld (smtp->strBinFiles, iCnt++, 0, ",;", strFile);
           trim (strFile);
           if (*strFile)
               strcpy (strUUEFile, strFile);
               if (strchr (strUUEFile, '.'))
                   *((strchr (strUUEFile, '.')))= (char)NULL;
               strcat (strUUEFile, ".uue");
               uuencode (strFile, strUUEFile, smtp->strlast_smtp_message);
               fpin = fopen (strUUEFile, "rb");
               if (!fpin)
                   return -6;

               strcpy (strOut, "\r\n--Message-Boundary-21132\r\n");
               xstrcat (strOut,
                        "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=",
               getfilename (strFile), "\r\n", NULL);
               strcat (strOut, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: x-uuencode\r\n");
               xstrcat (strOut, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=",
                        getfilename (strFile), "\r\n\n", NULL);
               smtp_send_data (iSocket, strOut);
               while (!feof (fpin))
                   memset (strRetBuff, 0, 513);
                   fread (strRetBuff, sizeof (char), 512, fpin);
                   smtp_send_data (iSocket, strRetBuff);

               fclose (fpin);

               if ( !smtp->debug )
                  unlink (strUUEFile);

   /* This ends the message. */
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, ".\r\n");
   if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400)
        return -7;

   /* Now log off the SMTP port. */
   smtp_send_data (iSocket, "QUIT\n");
   if (getreply (iSocket, smtp) > 400)
        return -8;

   /* Close the port up. */
   close socket (iSocket);

   /* If a clean send, then reset and leave. */
   ip_nonblock = iOld_ip_nonblock;

   return 0;

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