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Version 2.11



#include "sflfile.h"
file_copy (
    const char *dest,
    const char *src,
    char mode)


Copies a file called src to one called dest. The dest file may not already exist. If mode is 'b', copies a binary file; if mode is 't', copies a text file. This distinction only applies to MS-DOS file systems; on other platforms the two modes are equivalent. Returns 0 if no problems occurred, -1 if an error occurred, 1 if the destination file already exists.

Source Code - (sflfile.c)

    FILE *inf, *outf;
    char *buffer,
         openmode [3] = "??";
    size_t chars_read;                  /*  Amount read from stream          */
    int  feedback = 0;

    ASSERT (dest);
    ASSERT (src);
    if (file exists (dest))
        return (1);                     /*  Cancel: dest already exists      */

#   if (defined (MSDOS_FILESYSTEM))
    if (system_devicename (dest) || system_devicename (src))
        return (-1);                    /*  Not allowed on device names      */
#   endif
#   if (defined (MSDOS_FILESYSTEM))
    openmode [1] = mode;
#   else
    openmode [1] = 0;
#   endif
    openmode [0] = 'r';
    if ((inf = fopen (src, openmode)) == NULL)
        return (-1);                    /*  Input file not found             */

    if ((buffer = mem_alloc (SHRT_MAX)) == NULL)
        feedback = -1;                  /*  Insufficient memory for buffer   */
        openmode [0] = 'w';
        if ((outf = fopen (dest, openmode)) == NULL)
            mem_free (buffer);
            return (-1);                /*  Could not create output file     */
        while ((chars_read = fread (buffer, 1, SHRT_MAX, inf)) != 0)
            if (fwrite (buffer, 1, chars_read, outf) != chars_read)
                feedback = -1;
        fclose (outf);
        mem_free (buffer);
    fclose (inf);
    return (feedback);

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